
Celebrities join nation-wide movement to combat COVID-19

A case study by the National Sanitation Campaign in Tanzania Written by Astrid Hasund Thorseth Country and region: Tanzania Organisation: Ministry of Health, Tanzania and Project CLEAR Consortium (a collection of organisations ranging from LSHTM to local media companies) Point person and Role: Kaposo Mwambuli, Director of Project CLEAR Population served by the programme: 56 million (Tanzanian[…]



Why innovations in the WASH sector rarely scale up?

Lessons for government, the private sector, NGOs and donors. For years, the WASH sector has been mesmerised by clever ideas that have the potential to transform the sector: from a solar-powered device that can harvest water from the air; smart water pumps; water filters which purify water and reduce the number of lives lost to waterborne diseases; to eWATERpay which can be[…]