Global Scaling Up Handwashing is a WSP project focused on learning how to apply innovative promotional approaches to behaviour change to generate widespread and sustained improvements in handwashing with soap at scale among women of reproductive age (ages 15-49) and primary school-aged children (ages 5-9). The project is being implemented by local and national governments with technical support from WSP. It is currently being tested in Peru, Senegal, Tanzania, and Vietnam. This project builds on national campaigns initiated by the Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing (PPPHW).

Scaling Up to Reach
The project is currently being implemented in Peru, Senegal, Tanzania, and Vietnam (see the latest Progress Report PDF). As of December 2009:

40.7 million women and children have been exposed to the project’s mass media campaigns. Over 2.3 million women and children have been engaged through repeated face-to-face interactions with trained outreach workers. More than 378,500 women and children have been exposed through promotional edutainment events.

More than 26,000 people representing a diversity of sectors and segments of society including teachers, health professionals, local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), university students and teachers, community volunteers, local government officials, and private sector firms have been trained to facilitate and support handwashing with soap behaviour change.

Core Project Components-Core components include:

Innovative behaviour change programming that combines mass media, interpersonal communication, and direct consumer contact events
Strengthening the enabling environment by working closely with local and national governments and public-private partnerships in the areas of education, health, and sanitation
Learning about what works and why, and sharing findings
Monitoring and evaluation to manage for results and measure the cost-effectiveness
Measuring impacts on health, child development, and household productivity.